When my second baby went transverse, I panicked. I had been having an amazingly healthy pregnancy, and it was such a shock. Babies can move, flip and completely change their position.
Here's how you can increase the chances of your baby getting into the optimal position (head down!).
!--Get to a Webster Technique Certified Chiropractor.
To find one near you, use this link: http://icpa4kids.org/Find-a-Chiropractor/
2--Cat/Cow yoga position on all fours.
Make more room for your baby to get in the best position
Reduce gravity on you and your baby to make it easier for your baby to move.
4--Do your best to relax and trust your baby and your body. Ask your baby/body what they need to get in the best position.
5--Spinning Babies. An amazing wealth of information resources.
7--Manual Version or External Cephalic Version.
You can only do what you can do. If you try everything on this list and your baby still doesn't turn, there is nothing left but surrender. Some things are beyond our control. Nothing hammers home this lesson more than parenthood.
Here's how you can increase the chances of your baby getting into the optimal position (head down!).
!--Get to a Webster Technique Certified Chiropractor.
To find one near you, use this link: http://icpa4kids.org/Find-a-Chiropractor/
2--Cat/Cow yoga position on all fours.
Make more room for your baby to get in the best position
Reduce gravity on you and your baby to make it easier for your baby to move.
4--Do your best to relax and trust your baby and your body. Ask your baby/body what they need to get in the best position.
5--Spinning Babies. An amazing wealth of information resources.
7--Manual Version or External Cephalic Version.
You can only do what you can do. If you try everything on this list and your baby still doesn't turn, there is nothing left but surrender. Some things are beyond our control. Nothing hammers home this lesson more than parenthood.